Jessica Sears recieves Rotary's highest honor - the Paul Harris Fellow Award
Jessica Sears recieves Rotary's highest honor - the Paul Harris Fellow Award - at Sunrise Rotary's Annual Dinner earlier this summer. Congratulate Jessica!

At the annual awards dinner, Sunrise Rotarian Paul Raino, introduced Jessica Sears as the 2016 Paul Harris Fellow Award recipient.
Paul Raino is the Leader of the Rotary District Learning & Development Team, a past Area Governor and Sunrise Club President, and has previously been honored with the Paul Harris Fellow Award. Paul and Jessica have worked together at Curtis Lumber for 17 years and Jessica is currently the North Region Operations Manager for the company. Paul commented that it was unusual for someone to receive this prestigious award that had only been in the club for five years – unless that Rotarian is extraordinary. “Jessica has always been very special to me,” said Paul. “You see what makes her an extraordinary Rotarian is simply the fact that she is an extraordinary human being. Time after time she has shown us that she will not quit – as a mother, as a daughter, as a friend, as professional, and, yes, as a Rotarian. She faces life’s ups and downs and comes out on top.” Paul also noted that in addition to being the Treasurer of the Sunrise Rotary Club she is also Treasurer of the local Habitat for Humanity, the Clinton County Rural Preservation Board, the Adirondack Builders Association, the Cumberland Head Fire Department and the Executive Assistant for Norther Home and Lifestyle Association.