Club Assembly - April 25th 

We started the meeting with a new member talk with Matt Chandler. Matt previously worked in the fitness and solar industry before returning to Plattsburgh to work at his family business, Agency Insurance. He enjoys buying and selling antiques and wood carving in his spare time. He resides in Peru with his wife and dog. 

Contact Matt at

President Eric presented the 2023/2024 slate of officers. We are accepting nominations for Vice President and President-Elect if anyone is interested. 


Sue LeBlanc-Durocher gave us an update on Mayor’s Cup. 

Sponsor Letters:

Please reach out to past and potential sponsors! 


Jess is working with CVES on the shirt design, we should have designs soon. 

We are working with the Strand on a concert on Friday, more details to follow. 

The City is also working on a music component to the event on Saturday, more details to follow. 


Tom DeFayette gave us an update on the International Committee. They are currently working on a Jamacia project updating bathrooms at a school. 


Roger Black updates us on the Environmental Committee. We are merging with the noon club committee and working on how to encourage local governments to include pollinator gardens in their code. They are also working on a plan for a local pollinator garden.


Eric updated us on the beach wheelchair project. We have ordered the mats and they are being delivered to the city. The city will propose a resolution to the council to provide a ramp for easier access to the city beach. Libby will work with Courtney to get some Rotary signage giving us credit for this project. 


Our yard sale was a huge success, thank you to all involved. The VFW Post 125, Joan, and all the volunteers and community members. 


Our change-over dinner will be at Vesco Ridge with Fork & Knife catering. More details to follow. 


Membership Committee meeting: April 27th, Noon on Zoom. 


Finance Committee meeting: April 27th 5:30 


Our next meeting is May 2nd with speaker Jen Perry - CSD - Compost program