WOW! Thank you all for your support and help with our 4th annual Tagless Sale. It was a big success in so many ways.
I know we are getting really good at this but I didn't realize just how good. We started our set up at 6:00 AM and we were all ready to start selling by 7:30 AM. Oh we did have shoppers that were there at 6:00 AM too BUT we stopped them in their tracks, in a very nice way. Oh and it gets even better. We were all cleaned up and leaving at 2:45 PM.
I am so happy to report that we raised $3,450 this year. That is so amazing. If anyone forgot to pay or wanted to make this total an even $3,500 we are still accepting money. Last year we raised $2,350. In 2021 we raised $4,138 and in 2020 we raised $4,108. So we have raised $14,046! That is a lot of treasures sold.
I just have to say that I can't thank everyone enough for everything you did. I don't think there is anyone in our club that didn't help in some way to make this so successful. I asked everyone that dropped off stuff where they heard about the sale and about 70% said Facebook, 20% said the Press Republican and 10% said a Rotarian told them. So thank you all for making our event so successful.
The last think that I felt was so amazing was spending time with all of you. This was a great day all around from the weather to fun conversations and lots of laughs.
Special thanks to the VFW Post 125 for allowing us to host our event! They have been so supportive for the past few years and we can't thank them enough.