Who We Help - Community Service
Building stronger communities locally and around the world.
Since its inception in 1987, the Plattsburgh Sunrise Rotary Club has donated thousands of dollars and volunteer hours to local and international causes.
Sunrise Rotary’s past efforts to support the community are visibly evident around Plattsburgh. The club donated materials and labor to build the Gazebo at the Riverwalk in downtown Plattsburgh, the Healthy Lung Trail and the Sunrise Rotary Pavilion at Wilcox Dock. In fact, Sunrise Rotary raised over $25,000 for the universally accessible Max Moore Memorial Treehouse on the Saranac River Trail in Plattsburgh. More recently, Sunrise Rotary supported the Outdoor Art projects as part of the revitalization of the City of Plattsburgh, donated money to the Red Cross to help with disaster relief caused by local flooding, and provided funds to build a universally accessible boardwalk on the site of the LaPierre Lane Park, a spur on the planned Saranac River Trail Greenway in Morrisonville, that officially opened to the public in 2018.
Internationally, Sunrise Rotary is well-known for its major long-term commitment to the Kakinada Eye Clinic in India, upgrading their ability to supply eye care to those who cannot afford it. The club has been very active over the years in its support of the North Country Mission of Hope and the Jamaican Mission, and in support of Shelter Box which provides disaster relief around the world.
Below are brief descriptions of the organizations and projects that Sunrise Rotary supported locally over the last several years.
Do you have an idea for a project or organization that Sunrise Rotary should consider supporting in the future? We would love to hear from you. Contact our club at rotaryclub1982@gmail.com

Sunrise Rotarians volunteered to help with the Plattsburgh Relay For Life event at the Clinton County Fairgrounds on June 14, 2019. Rotarians worked at the Survivor’s and Caregiver’s check-in and at the Survivor’s dinner. The event raised over $87,000 for the American Cancer Society. Joan Sterling, the Community Manager for the Plattsburgh Relay For Life, is a Sunrise Rotarian.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Joan Sterling
Plattsburgh Relay for Life on Facebook

Currently over 500 individuals and their families benefit from the wide variety of services provided by ARC, such as vocational programs, community integration, therapeutic intervention and residential options. In 2018, the theme for Rotary’s tree this year was 'Happy Harvest' and was awarded third place by the judges for creativity.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Allison Hulbert-Bruce
The Twin Rivers Council prov
ides the varied programs of the Boy Scouts of America to youth and volunteer leaders in thirteen counties in northeastern New York including Albany, Clinton, Columbia, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren, and Washington counties. The Council provides service to more than 9,000 youth and 6,000 registered adult volunteers.

Sunrise Rotary’s donation to the Twin Rivers Council supported the fundraising ”Good Scout” Dinner, to create opportunities for youth to gain memorable experiences and become instilled with values, principles, and skills that will help them develop into the future leaders of our nation.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Victoria Duley

Sunrise Rotary was a sponsor of the CCCNC’s second annual Trick or Treat for Books on October 26, 2019 at the Champlain Centre Mall in Plattsburgh. Children, some dressed as their favorite storybook character, enjoyed story book reading centers, literacy games and crafts, and received a book as their "treat" along with the opportunity to win other cool prizes. Sunrise Rotarians attended the event along with one of our member’s therapy dog, Brison, who also joined in the fun as the “reader” dog.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Victoria Duley

"I feel like it's a great thing because we should give back to the people that gave everything to us. They risked their lives to help us," said Liam Christenson, a 7th grade organizer. "It felt really, really, good because I knew I was giving back to the community and the community was helping us too. And just letting the veterans know they are appreciated," said Julianna Vagi, a 7th grade organizer.

Sunrise Rotary sponsored a local Girl Scout who received a Silver Award, one the Girl Scouting’s most prestigious service awards.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Victoria Duley

It is the goal of Hospice of the North Country, Inc. to provide the highest level of Hospice care to the residents of Clinton and northern Franklin Counties. The physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs of each patient/family will be addressed to maximize the quality of life and death and to support the bereaved as they continue their lives.
Sunrise Rotary’s donation helps families and friends to treasure their loved ones in the comforts of home, until the last moment, specifically targeted to an improved referral management program for the organization.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Victoria Duley

The Literacy Challenge is the biggest fundraiser Literacy Volunteers hosts each year (March 2, 2019). Sunrise Rotary is a long-time co-sponsor of this event and volunteers helped with event logistics, including having a team participating in the competition.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Maxine Perry
Sunrise Rotary is proud to be a sponsor of the 2019 Plattsburgh Half Marathon Relay/10k/5k and to provide funds in support of Team Fox and Parkinson's Disease Research. And, Rotarians came out in style on Sunday, May 5, 2019 to provide refreshments and encouragement to all the runners at Mile Marker 12!
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Joanne Dahlen


Sunrise Rotary Contact: Randy Giltz

Sunrise Rotary is proud of its support of the St. Peter's Soup Kitchen. In addition to financial support, Sunrise Rotarians volunteer 4 times a year to help serve dinners and clean up the facility afterwards. In addition to volunteering throughout the year, Sunrise also provided a financial donation to provide for special assistance to families in need over the holidays in December.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Kjell Dahlen

Sunrise Rotary’s donation is in support of Elmore SPCA’s new spay/neuter assistance program call “STOP” (stop the over population). Its main goal is to prevent overpopulation by spaying female cats but also finding homes for litters of kittens currently in lower income homes that cannot afford the care.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Victoria Duley

Since the coalition started doing free tax preparation in 2004, the Volunteer Tax sites have done approximately 49,000 federal tax returns with a yield of approximately $57 million in federal tax refunds, returned to Clinton, Essex and Franklin counties.
Sunrise Rotary’s donation in 2018/2019 supported purchasing computers to assist with this tax filing assistance.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Victoria Duley