We kicked off our March 7th meeting with a welcome from President Eric.
- We had a wonderful talk from Ken Tingley of Glens Falls, author of "Last American Newspaper". Ken shared heartwarming stories of how local journalism made an impact on the community. Ken's Book can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.com/Last-American-Newspaper-Institution-Small-Town/dp/1476688265
Ken wanted us to know that he writes a newsletter on the substack platform. It is free and comes to you three times a week in your email.
Check it out here: kentingley.substack.com
Check it out here: kentingley.substack.com
- There will be a speaker committee meeting via zoom on March 15th at 5:00. Email speaker suggestions to Roger, Jeff, or Connie
- The new scholarship committee is looking for another member to join. This committee will define guidelines for sponsoring the dues of new members. Contact Jess or Kathy E.
- Our Tag-less sale is coming up....please SHARE! If you need printed copies of the flyer or poster please let Libby know and she can get them to you. Share on facebook, share with your family, and share with your co-workers. Joan wants this to be the best year yet!
Rotarians are encouraged to drop off donations on Saturday if possible.
- Thursday, March 9th at 5:00 Sue would like to do a fellowship/Mayor's Cup meeting. Reach out to Sue if you are interested in attending.
- Reminder: no regular meeting on the 14th. There will be a board meeting via zoom, all are welcome to attend.
- Sunsetter meeting on 21st, location Buffalo Wild Wings
We finished up the meeting with happy dollars! have a great week everyone.
For additions/comments/corrections please email Libby at Libby@taylorrentalny.com