ShelterBox is an international disaster relief charity that provides emergency shelter and other aid items to families around the world who have lost their homes to disaster or conflict.

In 2018 the Plattsburgh Sunrise Rotary Club embarked on a second fundraiser for ShelterBox that has benefits that reach as far as the remote West Lunga Forest, an African miombo woodland forest preserve in the northwest region of Zambia. But the benefits won't only be felt in Africa, they will also fund another ShelterBox that will eventually be shipped to a disaster zone somewhere in the world to save a family coping with the loss of their home.
Club members will sell bottles of African Bronze Honey harvested by farmers in that region of Zambia. A portion of the cost of each bottle is set aside to train and equip more Zambians in how to harvest honey — supporting entrepreneurship and beekeeping in Africa.
Sunrise Rotary Contact: Tom Defayette